Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Seamless Virtualization on Feisty with all the extras...

Windows+Linux=Love For Ever?

THOSO who are impantient on what this guide does scroll to the botton where I put the gallery....

As you may have read I was recently playing around in Ubuntu with wubi.Last week I decided to more to a normal Ubuntu Install and try to explore what else would it allow me to do.One Issue not so well known but EXTREMELY powerfull is what we call Seamless Virtualization...

-Seamless What???

-Yes I am aware of how is sounds and trust me its not such an easy task but once you manage to pull it off we are talking for around 99% application support in your Linux Box which will suit you and leave any fanboy speachless(Trust me I tried it :P)

As far as more advanced users may be interested let me explain what we shall do.We shall Install an Xp windows installation on a Virtual File,We are gonna use RDP to remotely call apps from it,we are gonna patch the Feisty RPD client for multi application support and use a pearl script to launch them,and finally arrange the tap interface to support multi user functionality.

-Cool so where do i begin?

-The first thing to do like always is prepare your weapons

  • VirtualBox. The program that will emulate a windows Xp install.Same can be done with VMware,Qemu)
  • Windows Xp Installation Disk.
  • Dependencies to use with sudo apt-get install: bridge-utils uml-utilities autoconf automake automake1.9 libX11-dev build-essential openssl rdesktop(incuded in feisty)
  • Client Xp tools : Server Component and Shutdown.exe
  • Rdesktop Source with Multi Application Patch or a Compiled binary (untested)

-Got them all now what?

-Lets play with Virtual Box.

1:Virtual Box

  1. Go to Applications->System Tools->InnoTek VirtualBox
  2. Press New>Next and enter for name xp and OS type "Windows Xp" You can use any name but its better to keep it short
  3. Set Memory to as much as you like.I recommend 256 or 512 if you can spare it
  4. Proceed to creating new HardDrive>New>Dynamic Expanding Image>any size above 2GB
  5. Keep pressing next till you are done with basic settings
  6. Now open the new machine settings
    go to General Advanced and Select Bidirectional Shared Clipboard
  7. Go to Cd/DVD and Mount the drive which contains the XP Installation CD or the ISO of it.
  8. Go to Network and Select Attached to Host Interface,Cable Connected and Interface name tap0
  9. Go to Remote Display and just tick the box to enable VRDP Server
  10. Go to shared folders and insert any folder you want the XP to be able to read.I inserted both my partitions.MARK down the name when it creates them.
  11. If you have come so far press start and procced to installing Windows XP.Im not gonna get into details on that but its not rocket science either :)

-Ok it finished and im logged at Windows Xp now what?

-Lets Tweak them for our needs

2.Ubuntu Configuration

Open a terminal and type :sudo pico /etc/rc.local

Add this text inside the BEFORE the exit and after any other enties you may have.

tunctl -t tap0 -u GnomeUserName
chmod 0666 /dev/net/tun
/usr/sbin/brctl addbr br0
/sbin/ifconfig eth0 promisc
/usr/sbin/brctl addif br0 eth0
/sbin/dhclient br0
/usr/sbin/brctl addif br0 tap0
ifconfig tap0 VboxIp up
bash -c 'echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/tap0/proxy_arp'
route add -host LinuxIp dev tap0
arp -Ds eth0 LinuxIp pub

GnomeUserName:your user name logged in linux
Vbox ip:A FREE ip for the virtual machine
Linux Ip:Your Ubuntu Linux local network Ip

For multiply users you need to add those lines too

tunctl -t tap1 -u GnomeUserNAme1
brctl addif br0 tap1
ifconfig tap1 VboxIp1 up
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/tap1/proxy_arp
route add -host LinuxIp dev tap1

GnomeUserName1=Second User name
tap1=tab increases while we add users.3rd user would be tap2 and so on
Vbox ip1=Another ip to our network DIFFIRENT to the one we used in other users
yourip=the same for all ip of the Linux Machine.For a third user we do the same increasing the numers of tap and VboxIps

Reboot the Linux System now for them to activate or you may enter them manually one by one on a terminal.(good for troubleshooting).Once you are sure they are ok we procceed to:

3.Client Windows Tweaking

  1. In order to make them communicate with the drives we need to open a windows command promt(yeah I know ironic isnt it?) and type in there net use x: \\vboxsvr\name.As you guessed the name is the one we marked before when setting shared folders.If you shared more than one folder then run the command for each one of them with a different letter z,y,x.This will create network drives with those letters..
  2. Place Server and at one of those shared folders at your Feisty machine so you can pick them up from the Windows Client.Extract and put them at c:\seamlessrdp\
  3. Go to Explorer>Tools>Folder Options>View>Adanced Settings>Hide File Extention For known File Types and DISABLE it
  4. Righ click on windows taskbar and UNLOCK it.Then if you have your gnome panel up leave it down else drag it up or wherever you want....This will come handy for having both GNOME and Windows Panel at the same screen
  5. Create 2 text documents in that folder and name then shutdown.bat which contains "shutdown.exe -u -f" and logoff.bat which contains "shutdown.exe -l -f".The seamlessrdp folder should now contain seamlessrdp.dll seamlessrdp.exe vchannel.dll shutdown.exe shutdown.bat logoff.nat
  6. Right Start and right click on MyComputer>Properties>Remote>Allow users to connect remotely to this computer CHECK It
  7. Start>Click on the User Icon on Top of the Menu>once you are the Icon Selection press Back>Create a password
  8. Start>Run>Type "control userpasswords2" and a window should pop Up>Uncheck “Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer”
  9. Start>Run>Type "mmc">File>Add remove Snap In>Add>Group Policy Object>Add>Finish>Close>Ok
  10. Keep MMC open and go to Local Computer Policy > Computer Configuration > Windows Settings and select Scripts (Startup/Shutdown) go to startup>Add New Script>c:\seamlessrdp\logoff.bat Save and close
  11. Make sure to UNmount all CDs/DVD on VBox and go to Virtual BoX meny to Click to Install Guest Additions.If there is no media mounted there should pop an installer and just keep pressing next till its dont
  12. Go to Control Panel>Netword Connections and you can either Note down the IP or set a fixed one (recomended if you using a router).To do so just click on properties on the network connection>Tcp/Ip settings>Set manually>And use a FREE IP of your network,the SAME subnet mask as your network and the ip of the default gateway(router or your pc).Enter the gateway ip in the DNS server tab if you fail to get internet in the XP.Press ok and exit.The Ip we Find here we shall call it VboxInternalIp and ITS IMPORTANT since all conections are made with that IP
  13. Open a notepad and paste this code into it.Then Save as Fixes.Reg and run it.

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp]

-Man that was a LOT!!!

-Thats true but the hard part is over now.Lets see how we connect if everything is ok.

Running Windows Applications Seemlesly

  1. First of all we need to load the xp machine on backround so type:"VBoxManage startvm "xp" -type vrdp".If you wish to add it on startup(NOT recommended in my opinion use the System->Preferences->Sessions.
  2. Since you wanna see some results before getting dirty again use that command
    rdesktop -rsound -A -s "c:\seamlessrdp\seamlessrdpshell.exe C:\Windows\explorer.exe" VboxInternalIp:3389 -u "WinUserName" -p WindowsPassword
  3. Be patient.If the above command fails try switching the Ip from Windows to the Vmbox Ip you used on setting up the step 2.It will normally log to desktop with full Gui so you may know if there is something wrong with the setup.
  4. If explorer loads you will be presented with windows task bar.IF YOU HAVE gnome panel in the bottom I suggest to hide it(use the hide arrows)
  5. If you run explorer you may lauch as many apps you want at the same time.On the other side if you launch a notepad using this command you will notice you cannot run any other app.This is a limit of the current RDP
    rdesktop -rsound -A -s "c:\seamlessrdp\seamlessrdpshell.exe C:\Windows\system32\notepad.exe" VboxInternalIp:3389 -u "WinUserNAme" -p WindowsPassword
  6. To fix the above issue we need to patch the RDP client OR use my Compiled binary(Skip that step if you use it and just copy it at step 7).Extract the Rdesktop Source and put the Multi Application Patch inside that folder.Not open a terminal navigate to the folder you extracted and type
    patch -p1 <20070420_rdesktop.patch
  7. If everything goes well you should find inside the folder a file named rdesktop.You need to copy it to /usr/bin and replace the original.One easy way is "alt+f2>gksudo nautilus" to go there to keep a copy of the original too.You may wanna try my compiled rdesktop but I cannot guarantee its success
  8. If it work type
    rdesktop -rsound -A -s "c:\seamlessrdp\seamlessrdpshell.exe C:\Windows\system32\notepad.exe" VboxInternalIp:3389 -u "WinUserNAme" -p WindowsPassword
    and then
    rdesktop -l "calc"
    This should pop out calculator in a second window.COngratulations you have set up multi user rdesktop
  9. Now lets make a script to call an application easier no matter if its first or second on a machine:


    my $bin = '/usr/local/bin/rdesktop';

    my $host = 'VboxInternalIP';

    my $socket = '/home/GnomeUsername/.rdesktop/seamless.socket';

    my $shell = 'C:\seamlessrdp\seamlessrdpshell.exe';

    my $username = 'WinUsername';

    my $password = 'Windows password';

    if (@ARGV != 1) {

    print "usage: rdesktop-wrapper \n";



    # if socket and master session exist,

    # launch command in slave mode

    $numprocs = `pgrep -c -U Gnomeusername -x rdesktop`;

    if (-e $socket and ($numprocs == 1)) {

    exec($bin, '-l', $ARGV[0]);

    # otherwise, start new master mode

    # only if no other sessions running

    } elsif ($numprocs == 0) {

    exec ($bin, '-A', '-s', $shell . " $ARGV[0]", $host, '-u', $username, '-p', $password);

    Save as and with terminal in the folder you saved it type sudo chmod +x
  10. If you use more than one users make diffirent, completed you may copy them over to /usr/bin folder as we did before
  11. Launching an application now is easier than even just type "c:/..../application.exe"
  12. You can now create a menu in Gnome Panel Considering Seamless Applications.We mainly need 1PowerOn Button,One Poweroff,One pointing to explorer.exe(which in my tests behaved better with the old way NOT the pl script one),and one for each application you want to install and run there
  13. In order to poweroff you may call the "c:/seamlessrpd/shutdown.bat" or force the poweroff
     VBoxManage controlvm "xp" poweroff
    if you Virtual Pc got another than xp name change it

Finito La Musica - Credits Special Thanks

Although its a hard word the result is more than rewarding.I would like to give full credits to all those who really came up with those stuff and made this possible.


Both Start Menus as you see here:

Showing the Actual System Drives mapped as Netword Drives

Running Multiply Windows Apps

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Linux for Windows Users


I would it would not be an overkill to say that there was always a time for any Windows user,that he was temped to try an alternative Operating System.That tempation was even more strong when Windows were doing their dirty tricks and stopped functioning out of a sudden.This time has come for me too.After 2 days of fighting to my Windows XP trying to explain them that my MONITOR is supposed to be the primary device and not the TV that I dont even have connected to the system I came across an interesting trick.I wanted to get my work done and did not want to setup the system from scratch.Then I met wubi


What wubi does is really original.It allows you to install Linux from Windows.With a 3 step installer and minimal user interference.In addition to that it does not mess with your HDD since it installs everything on a folder where you tell it to by creating some Virtual Hard Drives.In other words its really safe of those who dont even know what partition is.Even if you mess everything up just log to windows and unistall it from add remove programs just as easy as the mIRC....

Enough with the blattering lets start the games.First we need wubi (9mb) and a linux ISO.If you dont feel sure about which linux to get you can let wubi download the iso for you.If you want really fast download though just do it yourselves from here.Remember to Get the Desktop Version,x86 and alternative Iso or the wubi wont accept it.When it downloads put it in the same folder with the wubi.exe and run it.You should get to this screen eventually

The Username and Password you are supposed to provide them for the Linux.Mind that the pass will be asked a lot so keep it easy to type.If you press install it downloads iso (if its not downloaded by you) and installs.
But I recommend you to check the settings before that.There they are.

Dont panic with all those things you have no idea what they do.Let me give you a quick info.

  • Swap is the same as windows Virtual Memory just in a separate partition.So normally its best to keep it 2xTimes the Ram of your system.But it will work for 1GB just fine if you only wanna check linux out.
  • System is the same as the /windows forlder on your system.The main system files will be installed there.
  • Home is more or less a combination of the MyDocuments,ProgramFiles and User Settings.
  • The installation Drive is where you want the virtual files installed.Pick one where you can spare the space.It also shows you how much space is left after wubi is installed
  • Desktop Environment is what type of grafic environment you want.I highly recommend Ubuntu for starters.
So what are the best settings.It depends on each peoples system.The only thing I can recommend for sure is the Ubuntu.For minimal system setup I have made it work with 1swap,3Home,3System but next time I decided to go 2,4,4.So choose the space you want to spare and install wubi.When done it shall ask for reboot.Accept it and when the system restarts you shall see a promt to start Windows of Ubuntu.We start Ubuntu and wait for the installer to Finish.Then it will restart once again and the system will be ready.No more user Interaction needed.

In case you wanna use other that the normal ISO files there is a way even for other debian based distributions or 64Bit ones.I suggest you first try to see how the normal ones work then play with the unofficial ones.For anyfurther info check the Wubi Guide and the Forums...

If all goes well you shall be presented with the login screen.You insert the Username and Password we put in wubi and there you are.You are inside Ubuntu.This is the First time Desktop.

I though it looked kinda minimalistic.Dont worry and we can change it a LOT.Since you are used to Windows you can make it look more like it.Im gonna use a Vistaish template so you can see how customizing Desktop works.All elements of those bars are customizable.So you should just delete the upper one and customize the lower one.Right click to delete panel on top.Then go on bottom and delete the workspace switcher and the Recycle Bin.Also UNLOCK the Show Desktop Panel and the Window list if its locked.Finally Right Click and Add to Panel.

From Here add the
  • Main Menu(the Ubuntu Icon you should not normally have the other main menu)
  • Keyboard indicator
  • Notification Area(Tray in Windows)
  • Volume Control
  • A clock
  • A couple of separator if you wanna be aesthetically perfect.
Each of those elements can be moved along the bar.I think that you can set the to the way you are used to with little effort.When done you can lock them.

Screen Monitor and Grafic Card Drivers

Now that the menu is configured to a more easy for you way lets check out our system Hardware support.If the screen is feeling tiring probably your monitor is not supported.Go to System>Prefferences>Screen Resolution and try to set a desired Resolution and Refresh Rate.If you can you are lucky ones.If not we need a get our hands dirty but first we need to make a decision.

Do you wanna play heavy 3D Windows Games or Not.If you do,you have to install the Proprietary Drivers for your card(Official) else we can just skip that part.For Nvidia its highlly recommended and also for ATI after the R480Chipset (X850 Series) even though its a pain.If you only wanna move along and decide later skip to next chapter and go to Beryl.

Installing proprietary drivers is easy at Ubuntu.Go to System>Prefferences>Restricted Drivers and just enable it.It will setup everyhing aytomated and you have to restart the system


Xorg is the CORE of the Linux System Grafical environment.You will have to edit it in order to make tweaks.Im gonna show you how we do a simple task such as fixing a monitor that is not recognizing.If your system works so far and you did not install the drivers you can move to Beryl Part or just read this to learn.

First of all before learning I recommend to make a copy.You never know what may go wrong.So type this on terminal

sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup1

To make you understand what you are doing Sudo=super user.Linux does not allow every user to edit everyhing.cp is the copy command. The rest is the location of the files.CAPS do matter so x11 will not work.Now lets edit

sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf

That will get you to a notepad like application with a lot of text inside.Move to the Monitor Section and it should say

Section "Monitor"
Identifier "Generic Monitor"
Option "DPMS"
HorizSync 48-40
VertRefresh 48-60

If we want our monitor to display the correct refresh we just change the HorizSync and VertRefresh to our monitor ones.If you dont know them but remember how your windows one worked at 85refresh you can set it to HorizSync 60-65(its mainly ~ -20 of the Vertical one) VertRefresh 85-85

Section "Monitor"
Identifier "Generic Monitor"
Option "DPMS"
HorizSync 60-65
VertRefresh 85-85

Save exit and press Alt+CTRL+Backspace to restart the Xserver.Log in and see if its fixed :)

An alternative way is the modeline one.Type this on a terminal:
gtf horizontalresolution verticalresolution refreshrate and if will give you a long line.For example for 1024x768 100hz I type

gtf 1024 768 100

# 1024x768 @ 100.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 81.40 kHz; pclk: 113.31 MHz
Modeline "1024x768_100.00" 113.31 1024 1096 1208 1392 768 769 772 814 -HSync +Vsync

Take that line without the # and add it on xorg instead of the refresh rates we used before and it will work

REMEMBER IF YOU CHANGE THE monitor Identifier you also have to change it on the Screen Section or you wont be able to boot

You can also edit display modes on the next section Section "Screen" .

Section "Screen"
Identifier "Default Screen"
Device "ATI Technologies Inc R430 [Radeon X800 (PCIE)]"
Monitor "Generic Monitor"
DefaultDepth 24
SubSection "Display"
Depth 1
Modes "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"

This one means that when you set 24Bit Colour you can choose from those 3 available resolutions.You may also add the refresh rate on each resolution or delete the res you dont like i.e

Modes "1024x768_85" "800x600_100"

This one forces 100 Refresh rate on 800x600 while 85 on max and does not allow you to switch to 640x480.

Beryl Eyecandy

This is the most important and neat feature you will love in Linux.Its a project to help you get 3dimentional Desktop.Unlike Vista its ACTUALLY 3D and has very low requirements.I have managed to run Beryl on an AMD 1300 with 9600Ati card and 513 Ram on 266Speed.Here is a quick look at how it looks..

And you can watch some videos of its features on youtube.Here is a nice Demo.

Installing applications to Ubuntu is kinda easy even when it involves the Termina.Fortunatelly for us beryl can be also grafically installed (at least the light Version)Go to Add/Remove.It will ask you to Input password and refresh the list from the net.You do both.Select it to show all available applications on the upper right and search for Beryl.You should see something like that.

Select Beryl Manager and Beryl hit apply and you are done.In most of the cases that is all you need to do if you did not install any driver and got an Nvidia or older ATI.To run Beryl you can either find it on the applications>system Tools or press alt+f2 and type beryl-manager there.You shoud see a gem on the notification area and your windows should become more elastic.For the cube press alt+ctrl and move the mouse.You can set the other settings on the beryl setting manager.

If you now want themes in the windows and I think you do you need to install the Beryl Theme manager.For that we need the terminal.Open it and type

sudo apt-get install emerald emerald-themes

When done if you right click on the Gem Icon you should be able to change theme

If you wanna set it to startup go to System>Prefferences>Sessions>New startup item and Put whatever name you want and run "beryl-manager"

Beryl Advanced

Now lets get to some more advanced commands.THose are not needed or you better wish they are not needed.ATI support for Linux is a joke and you may be forced that way....If you got everything working by now you can skip this section.

Let me give you some explanations.There are 2 ways to get 3d Desktop accelaration.Xgl and AIGLX.ATi official drivers do NOT support AIGLX which is far supperior while the default open source ATI drivers do support it but do not support Games.If you got Nvidia you can have both at the same time.For Ati you have to SHUT down XGL+Beryl for games and 3d Apps to Run

How to ATI+XGL+Beryl:

I suppose you already got the official driver installed.To check for that type


and you should get

display: :0.0 screen: 0
OpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc.
OpenGL renderer string: RADEON XPRESS Series
OpenGL version string: 2.0.6334 (8.34.8)
If not use the restricted driver manager OR the add/remove programs to use the binarydriver for an easy installation.This driver may cause some Hybernate-Powermanagemt Issues to Amd machines hence you may want to updrage to the latest official driver which is described in the following paragraph:

To manually install the latest ati driver you have to do this you should get it from here ATI 8.38.6-x86_64
and follow this commands

sudo gedit /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common and add "fglrx" to DISABLED_MODULES="". Then install

sudo apt-get install linux-headers-generic build-essential debconf dh-make fakeroot gcc-3.4 libstdc++5 module-assistant

chmod +x

./ --buildpkg Ubuntu/feisty (or edgy, whatever)

dpkg -i xorg-driver-fglrx* fglrx-kernel-source* fglrx-amdcccle*

m-a prepare

m-a update

m-a a-i fglrx

depmod -a

sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf from using "vesa" to "fglrx" and add

Section "Extensions"

Option "Composite" "Disable"


Section "ServerFlags"

Option "AIGLX" "off"


at the bottom.

Now Reboot if you installed drivers
If everything is ok you have to change the place beryl is downloaded from.To do that

gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
You should get that notepad again.In the end of file add a new line
deb feisty main
Save and close.(This allows us to download beryl version from its own site and not ubuntus version)Then
sudo wget -O- | sudo apt-key add -
This one gets the key and finally we install with

sudo apt-get install xserver-xgl beryl-ubuntu beryl-manager emerald 
The Beryl PLugins Unsuported can be skipped if you dont want ALL the neat tricks.Same applies to emerald-themes if you dont want the default themes there.If you want to test them out as you should just add this to the previous line of install :

emerald-themes beryl-plugins-unsupported

Its almost complete.We only need to downgrade the beryl core in a version that works with XGL

sudo gedit /etc/apt/preferences

Paste,save exit
Package: *
Pin: release o=lupine
Pin-Priority: 1000
Update and install Beryl Core
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install beryl-core=0.2.0~0beryl1
This has installed beryl.Now we need to create a diffirent session to log into it with XGL.

sudo gedit /usr/local/bin/
This Creates a startup script.It should be blanc.Paste this code into it save and close
Xgl :1 -fullscreen -ac -accel xv:pbuffer -accel glx:pbuffer &
cookie="$(xauth -i nextract - :0 | cut -d ' ' -f 9)"
xauth -i add :1 . "$cookie"
exec dbus-launch --exit-with-session gnome-session

Make it executable now

sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/startxgl

Adding the Session Menu now
sudo gedit /usr/share/xsessions/xgl.desktop
And copy paste this,save exit
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Start an Xgl Session
Done Press Alt+Ctrl+Backspace and change session to XGl,login and enjoy

More Appications

We got the Ubuntu and Beryl working.The hard part has passed.Now lets add more applications to make our life easier.Open the add remove selection and install those.

  • Ntfs Configuration Tool .By default the linux does not allow you to mess with windows drives.This tool allows you to make them writeable.If you face any issues with the default version you can update to the one here.Not shutting down may be one issue it causes.
  • Amule a Linux emule client
  • ktorrent,Deluge A bitorrent client
  • Wine .Windows emulator.Really cool way to run Exe files.
  • GnomeBacker,Brasero Burning Applications for Cds DVDs
  • VlC Best Mediaplayer out there.Also Xine is impressive one and highly recommended but you have to install from command promt (sudo apt-get install xine-ui)
  • JaVa 6 web start
  • XMMS (Winamp like)
Also do get Automatix2

This allows some extra applications to get easily installed such as

  • Flash player for Firefox
  • Multimedia Codecs
  • Frostwire (Limewire Free)
  • SLAB (custom Menu instead of start one.Check it out)
Aytomatix should install fine by just clicking on the file like a windows installer.If it fails do follow the steps of this guide

Last but not least there is some non free software you may like.

  • Crossover Office .This allows Ms office and other win applications get installed and run easily.Needs Wine
  • Cedega .Its like Crossover office for Windows Games.You can see a list of suported games here
  • NeroLinux.If you cannot live without your Nero you can Get linux Version.I think nero 6.3 Premium Serial works there..

Extra tips

  • For more application support you may wanna try your windows apps with wine.Just browse to the exe and right click>open with other application>Use Custom Command>wine

  • Or just type on the terminal wine application.exe I did that so I can run utorrent which seems to work just fine.Same applies to isobuster and many other apps.You can easily create a launcer too so you dont have to type it.Create launcer and input inside in the run part "wine /etc/media/drivername/blablabla/application.exe" and you are done :)

  • If you want to autolog to the Ubuntu without entering password go to System>Administration>Login Window>Security>Enable Automatic logic for your username..

  • In case you are facing with DVD burning issues you have to do two things.First of all if your system is all IDE you Need to update your kernel for UDMA support.If your system is Sata HDD with IDE burner you need to do this trick... sudo gedit /etc/rc.local and add BEFORE the end line :P chown root:cdrom /dev/sg0 (or sg1,2,... whatever your system has.)Save close reboot.

  • If for any reason you just hate to make copy or changes with the terminal you can create a new launcher in desktop ,name it Super User Mode,enter as command gksudo nautilus and save it.Now this allows you to access files previously locked.BE CAREFULL THOUGH because with great power comes great responsibility :)

  • On the Snow Plugin for Beryl-Unsupported you can use any texture you like.Be it leaves or hearts,stars etc..

  • On Nautilous you can set your windows Desktop and Application Data in your bookmarks so its Faster to move around.

  • If you need to make a full system Backup just copy Virtual System Drives.They are located to /media/host/wubi/disks in Linux and in c://Wubi/disks (if c is the install directory) in windows.Better play safe than sorry

  • UPDATES ARE CRITICAL on Linux.But do be carefull when applying them.I highly recommend to have the update manager turned off and when you choose to install it to have the /etc/apt/sources.list file CLEAN.If you have added some lines or automatix did please COMMENT THEM OUT with # in front and run a "sudo apt-get update".Then run the update manager.Im telling this to you because extra lines will install SVN(untested-beta) upgrades and will prob create issues you cannot fix.After the upgrade you may remove the # and reupdate the apt.

  • Some Video Applications may not like your 3D desktop.Most of all because they are presenting the image below the 3D layer so you get a black screen.If that is the case im gonna present you a fix for VideoLan.Mplayer seems totally broken in last version but any input is wellcome.In VLC open prefferences check the Advanced Checkbox on the lower right,and go to Video>Output Modules and change the default to X11.If you use unicode Subtitles you need to set it you language.In Videolan that is accomplished by prefferences>input codecs>other codecs>subtitles>encoding.For subtitle size you go to prefferences>video>subtitles OSD>Text Renderer.On Xine you just get some ttf fonts with your language support and put it in /usr/share/xine/libxine1/fonts.Then just select from its menu the fonts and the language and you are done.Mplayer subtitle support is a mess

  • In order to Install DVD and Win32 proprietary codec you need to either try to install them with Automatix or do this:
sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
Add this one to the Sources: ## Medibuntu - Ubuntu 6.10 “feisty
## Please report any bug on
deb feisty free non-free
deb-src feisty free non-free

Save close and type: wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key
add -

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install libdvdcss2 w32codecs

  • In case you have issues with Streaming Video and especially quicktime you may wanna change the default Firefox Plugin.In terminal type

sudo apt-get remove totem-mozilla
sudo apt-get install mozilla-mplayer

  • Nautilus supports audio file preview when mouseover.Most of the times it will get installed the moment you add the codecs.In case you don't install the codecs you can install the preview with this command
sudo aptitude install mpg321 vorbis-tools

  • To add Winrar support in intergraded Archive manager use Automatix for installing Archive Tools or type:
sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install rar unrar

  • If you are getting some strange Errors when Shutting down the system about user.virtal.disk,swap failed etc you may need to edit fstab
sudo gedit /etc/fstab

and look for usr.virtual.disk and extra.virtual.disk .
If you find them add # in front of their line like that:

#/media/host/wubi/disks/usr.virtual.disk /usr ext3 loop 0 0
#/media/host/wubi/disks/extra.virtual.disk /media/extra auto loop 0 0

  • Use Gmail as Default manager in Ubuntu.This tip is extremely usefull for all who do use gmail and dont like embeded mail aps(ME for example).The fix is rather simple.Create a new file named whaever you like with .sh at the end.In my case I liked the inside
firefox -remote "openurl(`echo $1 | sed 's/mailto://'`,new-tab)"
Save close and run
chmod u+x ~/Desktop/
  • This makes it executable.Now put is wherever you like.Best place would be in home to create a folder .gmail so the path is /home/yourusername/.gmail/ go to System>Prefferences>Preffered Applications Go to mail reader change

  • Using Alias makes your life easier.Aliases are an easy way to make common commands shorter.Go to your home directory and press ctrl+h(show hidden files) and open with any editor the .bashrc file.Now add to its end the following code
# apt-get aliases
alias name='command'
In other words you can pick any word on the right side to do what you have put on the left.If I want to use just to remove software I just type:
alias junk='sudo apt-get remove"

Themes - Final Touches

Fist of all let me explain something.There are 2 types of themes in our Linux System.The first one are GTK2 Themes and are responsible for everyhing including bars,mouse cursors,icons etc and the second are Beryl Themes since we are using Beryl for Rendering Windows and they end with .emerald name.

You can get themes on numerous of sites such as

In order to make your life easier I have uploaded a pack I gathered from looking around here.

VuBuntu Customization Pack

So lets tweak our Linux shall we?

1. Icons/Task Bar.Those are relatively easy to fix.System>Prefferences>Theme and just drag and drop the tar.gz files inside.IT will ask you if you want to apply new theme select yes and you are set.

2. Windows Decoration.Right Click on Beryl open Emerald Theme manager and import the Dark Glass emerald file.NOT the SVN one.Its a tweat version by me for the new beryl.

3. Mouse Cursor.Its a kinda complex proccess so the best way is go to Add/Remove and install Cursor Selection.Then just alt+f2 and type gcursor.Install the cursors using this tool.

4. Custom Start Menu Icon.For that we need to use a powerfull tool.Alt+F2 and type gconf-editor.This can edit a LOT of gnome features.We now need to go to apps>panel>object>object0 (this can be object1 or other number depending on computer) and look for tooltip Main Menu.If we see that we are in the correct object.Select the box Use Custom Icon and go above to enter where the custom icon is located.In my case for example check how I did it.

While you are here you can also change the apps/nautilus/desktop entry and add the MyComputer,Trash,Home Icons.

  • If you wanna edit the splash screen(the one when ubuntu enters Desktop its on apps/gnome-session.(You can change spash easily with an app in the Add Remove.Search for splash)
  • If you want to disable the windows grouping in taskbar its located in Apps>Panel>Applets>Windows_List_Screen0>Prefs .You can also set a max window length if you dont like them autoexpanding to your full bar...

5)Fonts.This is the easiest part.Just open any nautilus window or just Mycomputer and type "fonts:///" you should get yourself to the font folder.Just add any font you want there.In my pack there is the SegoeUi pack.Then to enable it got to System>Prefferences>Font

6)Wallpapers / Skydome.I dont think the first one needs explanation.Skydome on the other hand is new.Its the image that is on the enviroment when we rotate the Cube.It can be set on beryl settings>Desktop>Desktop Cube>Skydome.Skydome picture must be 1x2 ration meaning that if height is 1024 width MUST be 2048.And width must NEVER be bigger that the one your grafic card can handle.To see that just type on a terminal "xvinfo | grep max" Last but not least the animate skydome button enables you to either dynamically move or not the image.This can make it look more realistically 3D.Check the Space skydome for example and you should udnerstand.If you need to resize dome images use GIMP.Last but not least I have included some Caps which are the images displayed above and below the beryl cube.You may disable caps as well.

7)Firefox Tweaking.Firefox has a couple of issues in Ubuntu.For one the default theme is not working very well with theming.For that you can install Cleartabs which is basically the same but is working really nice and has way more bright colours.Also metalion is nice even though heavy for my taste.Last but not least if spelling refuses to work for you use Spellbound as a bridge.You can also use Foxmarks if you want to keep your bookmarks synched on both windows and Linux systems

8)Kiba Dock -ScreenLets.Those are optional.Kiba Dock is a mac like Dock menu with really cool physics engine build in and Screenlets is like the Widgets in Mac or Gadgets in Windows Vista (rotfl on the namings )In case you wanna install Screenlets I have included a custom one to make the VistaOrb more Round in my pack.Installation of both those is no diffirent to most apps in ubuntu so im just linking the guides.Here is a video which shows you Kiba Dock in action.

Screenlets HowTo
KibaDock HowTo

In general most apps are installed that way.You tell it where to get the files(sources list) add the key and "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get install" .They are removed just by typing sudo "apt-get remove applicationame"

9)Login Manager Theme.This allows you to select how you wanna your login look like.I have not included any manager but DarkClean is cool enough.Especially combined with the corresponding Splash screen.To change login manager theme got to System>Administration>Login Window Local,and drag and drop the theme inside here.Make sure Themed is enabled and you dont have random set on ...

Thats All Folks.!!!!

Now that everything is set you should have a fully working system,really impressive and feature rich.Remember for games to either log out of XGl (ATI) or kill beryl Nvidia even though it works ok(IMBA nvidia Drivers)Enjoy some screens of my finished project.Its not that hard as it sounds and it took me 2hours to setup more or less with no prior Linux experience.I just wanted to make the guide as analytical as possible..Have Fun

Default Monitor layout

Desktop With KibaDock and Screenlets

3D View with Utorrent.exe and Mirc32.exe running :P

Exagonizing the Desktop

Space Animated Space Skydome with Numeric Caps

Custom Beryl Textures Soccer ball

Here are some more Screens of the second theme I am currently using.Its also showing a new cool menu I discovered called USP2 (Ubuntu System Panel2).

Also Using the Snow plugin and custom leaf textures I bring the wallpaper to life :)

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Remote Fun.

Its a fact that nowadays most people have access to broadband internet.As a direct result of this its pretty much safe to assume that ,if you ask a random person weather he would like to be able to control his pc from a distance,the answer would be positive..On first though you may wonder,what for?Whereas the answer lies in the same reason everyone wants a fast connection:



Emule is an open source P2P program that getting more popular as we speak.The main reasons behind its popularity are the easy to use interface,the fact that is runs on Linux,Ms and Mac machines and that it can use the Edonkey netkword as well.With edonkey and most of the commercial companies shutting down by RIIA the refugees turn to a solution that cannot be shut down easily.If you log in and check the variety of files you shall know what I mean of.

Now apart from the history lesson.You are all wondering what does it do.If you go to its site that I linked before you shall find answers in the typical issues.Download the client install,answer the wizards answers and you are set to go.Mind to set up port forwarding if you are using a router.Now you have to choose where to connect.Servers dialog is using the Edonkeys Network while Cad does not need central machines to work.The latter is a sollution for when someone tries to kill the program by taking down the servers.IT does not matter in our case since you can as well connect to both the same time...

Once you have pretty much learned to use the basics lets setup the remote function that makes this program special...Go to Options Button and then Web Interface as shown below

Select Enabled and choose a port that you wish to make it work and its open to your router.Compression is also recommended unless you face some issues.Now set an administrator password and a guest if you wish too and choose if you want emule to be able to shutdown the machine...Once done press ok and connect to any server you wish for.If everything goes well you should have this.

The URL should be your ip.If you are at a lan it will be your internal IP but dont worry that can be adjusted.You may click on the link there to see if it works.To test if it works for your external ip,open a browser window and enter this adress http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:port/ where
XXX=your external IP and port= the port you have configured.If it fails check your router if its redirecting the port correctly.In worse case scenario that all fail try to set up port to 80.At any rate the success screen should be.

Now you can do everything from anywhere.Add new downloads,search,change server whatever you wish.But is it all?No.There is another cool trick with this prog.How about doing the same with your mobile??

To do this you need a java enabled mobile phone that has access to net with either wap or 3G.Download mobilemule applet and go to option menu web interface to enable it at a DIFFIRENT port than normal mule.Set a password there too.

All you need to do now is run the midlet and select prefferences.Change the login to DynIp/Ip.Save and connect.IF all goes well you should be able to log and control the mule from your mobile...


µTorrent and generally speaking torrent interface is another way to get files from the web.As you may know its the most popular way due to its speed and its also preffered from large companies for legal file distribution due to its safety and ergonomic bandwidth usage.In plain English.Its ULTRA fast and effective in getting max line speed in minutes...Its only drawback is the way you have to look for files but that is another story.I will presume you do know the basics.If not when getting the client use the embedded search for testing purposes and in time you shall discover private trackers too :)

Get μTorrent+WebGui .Extract the files to a folder of your prefference and run the exe.That program needs no intallation to run so better put it at C:\Program Files\Utorrent just to remind you not to accidentaly delete it.When it first runs it shall ask about file assotiation and I suggest you turn this on.Else do make a shortcut where you desire...

Once you run it and select your speed and port settings that again must be correctly forwarded you get at this screen.

On the upper right you select search engine and search for your file.DO mind that the file must have at least one seed for it to download.The more seeds/leeches it has the best for you and the speed it is.Once you have tested the basis close the program.

Now go to C:\Documents and Settings\YOURUSERNAME\Application Data\uTorrent .There you need to place the as it is (NO extraction).

Once done reopen the application and press ctrl+P (Prefferences) go to advanced and Web interface.Again select username pass and alternative port if you dont wanna use the default Utoorent uses for downloading.

Once done press ok.Once again you can connect using the http://XXX.XXX.X.X:port/gui/ where XXX is your external ip and port is the port the uttorent connects thet net.You may also use another port if you have specified it on the previous menu.Mind that slashes and gui are needed here too and they have to be LOWERCASE.Gui will not work.If you just wanna test if it works locally try this command http://localhost:PORT/gui/ where you just fill the port.

From the web interface you can add delete stop and resume torrents at your home/work pc from any pc connected on the net with only a browser.

Note that IE is NOT SUPPPORTED and prob will never be due to its BAD architecture.

Remote Administrator

Remote Administrator is one commercial software that provides you total control of a PC.Its like the Remote assistance windows use but much easier.How it works its mainly to install the server to the pc you wish to get controled and again setup password and port and run the client from the pc that is controlling.You shall be given a screen and have full control of mouse keyboard etc for advanced troubleshooting and configuring.I am not gonna write a complete guide since its out of the Http easy to use routines and its a commercial software but I am letting you know if you always wish of something more...


This is a remarcable freeware application that should be brought to your attention.Http File Server. What it does is making your home pc a file server for sharing files to the web.Its ultra small and easy to configue that you are gonna love it.I am pretty sure you tried giving a file to a friend which is at university firewarll and could not accept.Or how about sharing a 700mb file with email?Rapidshare and Sendspace may offer a partial sollution but if you do have upload speed HFS is all you need.Also you may also wish to make your HD accesible from net for yourself.With username and password protection just in case you ever need a file at work and dont wanna drive all around town to get it.

Lets start shall we?It all boils to this.Download the file and you shall get a HFS.exe.Run it.You are done.You should get this screen

You may drag and drop any files in the Virtual File System and they become shared.You may also add your whole Drive as I did for this demo.From the browser if you enter the adress the usual way http://XXX.XXX.X.X:port you should get his..

I think it pretty much covers it all.You can always change ports and configure more advanced options but that is up to you.


All those tricks sound nice.But you shall soon face one question.If you got a Dynamic ip (Constant Changing one) how will you know what is your homes ip?Here is where sites like come handy.

The easy way is to make a mirc script and make your PC autojoin a specific channel.Then you can know of it by a simple dns on him.But the best sollution is go to the site above and make an account.Its free.

Once there go to my services and then Add Host Services.Then go to Add Dynamic DNS Host.Once there pick any hostname you like and an extention from the list.Say I pick minoas and extention Press Add host and we are almost done.

Last but not least we need a way to upload the Ip to that site.Most routers support DDNS so check on its setup configuration.If you dont use router you may either use DynDNS Updater or the embeded function on the HFS I talked about before..What do they do?When your IP chances they let the site know and redirect the domain to the new ip.

So to speak in plain english.If you set this up correctly you dont need to know your IP.You can connect to your pc by just inputing from any browser.So in all the previous applications you can just use the setup instead off the old Ip one

Have fun remoting...